Legend ======= [+] Added [/] Changed [-] Removed [#] Fixed Dates use a YYYY/MM/DD format. Version 3.2 (2025/01/14) ========== | Note on this release: | Bug Fixes CORE [+] Quick access to insert new rows [+] URL params "format" for default format [/] Some scripts are now loaded async and only when needed, for faster loading [#] Undo when removing columns and rows should be better handled LATEX IMPORT [+] Support for environment `xltabular` (#100) TYPST EXPORT [+] New export module Version 3.1.1 (2024/02/17) ========== | Note on this release: | Bug Fixes LATEX EXPORT [#] Fixed issue with hashed corners with hhline (#38) LATEX IMPORT [#] Fixed issue when importing tables with commented environments (#87) [#] Fixed issue when importing tables with newlines in their environment (#77) Version 3.1 (2023/07/30) ========== | Note on this release: | Improvements to colorpicker and bug fixes CORE [+] Added link to copy generated code to clipboard (#82) [+] Colorpicker can now save colors [#] Colorpicker now use the good color for background of cells, for table scheme (#69) LATEX EXPORT [#] Code was not generated when there was a column where all cells were merged over several columns (#83) [#] Text with different formatting could be merged together in certain situations when using tabularray (#80) LATEX IMPORT [+] Support for U,V,W column/row/cell descriptor in tabularray [+] Option to preserve unknown LaTeX commands [#] Using both "hlines" and "vlines" in tabularray was not supported (#84) Version 3.0.1 (2023/02/19) ========== | Note on this release: | Improved scrolling CORE [#] Improved scrolling Version 3.0 (2023/02/13) ========== | Note on this release: | Generate tabularray tables, better UI, move columns and rows CORE [+] Possible to move columns and rows by grabing the header [+] Better rotated texts and easier to edit [+] Most important settings are now next to "Generate" button [+] Transpose table menu option (#71) [#] Fixed issue with dropdown menus [#] Tables with diagonal lines or two diagonal lines were not saved LATEX EXPORT [+] Generate Tabularray tables with `tblr` and `longtblr` environments [+] "Auto" setting generate tabularray/tabular tables depending on the complexity of the table [+] Improved support for numbers with `Siunitx` Version 2.3.3 (2022/07/18) ========== | Note on this release: | Bug fixes LATEX IMPORT [#] `\{` and `\}` gobbled the next character (#66) Version 2.3.2 (2022/03/31) ========== | Note on this release: | Improved tabularray import and pasting plain text CORE [+] SHIFT + Paste now paste plain text LATEX IMPORT [+] Support for horizontal and vertical borders when importing tabularray tables [+] Support for complex odd/even selectors when importing tabularray tables Version (2022/03/05) ========== | Note on this release: | Bug fix LATEX EXPORT [#] Fatal issue when generating tables involving longtable, booktabs and background colors (#59) Version (2022/01/13) ========== | Note on this release: | Urgent fix LATEX IMPORT [#] Some LaTeX tables could not be imported (#55 and #57) Version (2022/01/03) ========== | Note on this release: | Urgent fix LATEX IMPORT [#] LaTeX tables could not be imported Version 2.3.1 (2022/01/02) ========== | Note on this release: | Various improvement to importing LaTeX tables LATEX CORE [#] Trimmed borders are now larger when using the border editor LATEX IMPORT [+] Support for trimmed borders with \cmidrule(lr) [+] Support for supertabular, supertabular*, mpsupertabular and mpsupertabular* environments [+] Support for tabularew environment [+] Support for xtabular* and mpxtabular* environments [+] Support for newlines inside cells with two newlines characters [#] NiceTabular* environments didn't load [#] `~` was not converted to an unbreakable whitespace Version 2.3 (2021/12/20) ========== | Note on this release: | Decimal alignment, better selection, basic support for NiceTabular | and better support for tabularray CORE [+] Decimal alignment now properly shows up [+] Option to use commas instead of dot when importing Excel files (#54) [+] Option to surround numbers with $...$ when importing Excel files [+] Support for multiple selections with CTRL+Drag (#52) [+] Support for pasting tables and data from spreadsheets [/] SHIFT+Click now does a rectangular selection (#53) [#] Issue with selection when the selected cell is removed LATEX IMPORT [+] Basic support for `NiceTabular`, `NiceTabular*` and `NiceTabularX` environments [+] Basic support for colspan and rowspan from `\Block` from NiceTabular [+] Support for X,Y,Z column/row/cell descriptor in tabularray [+] Support for font color in tabularray [+] Really basic support for horizontal border in rowspec in tabularray [+] Support for Q column in tabularray [#] Double backslash (`\\`) created a new row even in a bracket group [#] Fix an issue where columns could be misinterpreted if an ampersand followed a command Version 2.2.1 (2021/09/14) ========== | Note on this release: | Bug fixes CORE [#] Pasting values stored as plain text didn't work (#9) [#] The editor conflicted with the LanguageTool browser extension (#44) Version 2.2 (2021/09/01) ========== | Note on this release: | Merge horizontally & vertically, tabularray basic support, | ninecolors support CORE [+] Merge horizontally and merge vertically [#] Normalizing tables before generation could produce fatal errors in some very rare cases LATEX EXPORT [+] Asterisks are now taken care of when LaTeX commands escaping is disabled [#] Fatal crash with `longtabu` because of an update of `longtable` [#] Commands like \>, \& or \< produces errors when LaTeX commands escaping was disabled LATEX IMPORT [+] Basic support (rowspan, colspan, horizontal alignement and background colors) for `tblr` and `longtblr` environments from `tabularray` package [+] Support for named colors from `ninecolors` package [#] Issues with @, !, > and < column without brackets CONTEXT EXPORT [#] Fatal issue with labels PRETEXT EXPORT [#] TITLE element was mislocated (#48) Version 2.1 (2021/03/26) ========== | Note on this release: | Multilevel unordered lists, new text formatting and option to disable escaping of LaTeX commands CORE [+] Support for multilevel unordered lists, up to four levels (#37) [+] Support for strikethrough text [+] Support for superscript text (#24) [+] Easier to create large tables with the "New table" tool [#] Pasting values broke the undo stack (#9) [#] Bold/Italic/Underline was not pasted if there was color LATEX EXPORT [+] Option (on by default) to disable escaping of LaTeX commands in text (#28) [+] Support for multilevel unordered lists, strikethrough text and superscript text [+] Option to use CMYK color model instead of RGB [#] Right margins in cells with lists were too large [#] Lists were sometimes in two tabular environments instead of one LATEX IMPORT [+] Support for strikethrough text (\sout and \st) [+] Support for superscript text (\textsuperscript and \up) [+] Support for \textordfeminine and \textordmasculine [+] Support for underline text (\ul from `soul` package) [+] Support for several french commands (\ieme, \iemes, \ier, \iers, \iere, \ieres) [#] Better handling of spaces before groups in commands and environments (#23) [#] \noalign caused fatal errors (#39) CONTEXT EXPORT [+] Support for strikethrough text and superscript text BBCODE EXPORT [+] Support for underline, colored and strikethrough text Version 2.0.6 (2021/03/17) ========== | Note on this release: | Accessibility and layout CORE [/] Better accessibility and tooltips Version 2.0.5 (2021/02/26) ========== | Note on this release: | Bug fixes for PreTeXt PRETEXT EXPORT [/] Use `` tag instead of `<caption>` for captions (#35) [#] Non breaking space characters were not correctly encoded (#36) [#] Zero-width space characters were not elimited (#36) [#] Special characters were not encoded inside captions Version 2.0.4 (2021/02/17) ========== | Note on this release: | Bug fixes LATEX IMPORT [#] Issue with some character commands (\$, \%, \#, \_ and \&) (#33) Version 2.0.3 (2020/10/20) ========== | Note on this release: | Bug fixes LATEX EXPORT [#] Issue with mathematical expressions inside unordered lists (#31) Version 2.0.2 (2020/10/08) ========== | Note on this release: | Bug fixes CORE [#] An alert dialog could show up in some cases LATEX EXPORT [#] Issue with middle-aligned cells when using `Shrink` option (#26) LATEX IMPORT [#] Impossible to load `longtabu* to <dim>` and `longtabu* spread <dim>` environments [#] Impossible to load `longtabu to <dim>` and `longtabu spread <dim>` environments (#29) Version 2.0.1 (2020/06/29) ========== | Note on this release: | Bug fixes CORE [/] Changed style of selected cells because of changes of the Chrome core styling [#] Impossible to select font color for other browser than Firefox (#25) Version 2.0 (2020/05/31) ========== | Note on this release: | Vertical alignment of cells, new interface and Wikicode export CORE [+] New look for the toolbar, with new icons and new labels [+] Better accessibility for the toolbar [+] New "Find & Replace" function [+] Rows and columns are now numbered. You can click on the letter/number to select it. [+] The webpage now scrolls to the textarea when the code is generated [+] New "vcell" and "adjustbox" package options ("adjustbox" is disabled) [+] New icons for diagonal cells [+] New "caret" and transitions to hide the right toolbar [/] Output format and settings moved next to the "Generate" button [/] "Undo" and "Generate" icons moved next to the `File` dropdown [/] "Tables properties" section moved in a modal dialog [/] "Borders" section moved to the toolbar [#] It's now impossible to remove a row/column if it's the only one LATEX EXPORT [+] Support for vertical alignment with `vcell` [+] `Shrink` option is now supported with decimal-aligned cells [+] New algorithm for the header of the table now try to use the longest "header" of the column when there's a tie to avoid long `multicolumn` [+] Rotated table without float are now supported [+] Warning when `tabu` is used (not recommanded anymore by the LaTeX3 Project Team) [#] Fixed a bug where dotted borders could appeared dashed with `tabu` LATEX IMPORT [+] Support for vertical alignment with `vcell` WIKICODE EXPORT [+] New module HTML EXPORT [+] Support for vertical alignment Version 1.9.1 (2020/05/04) ========== | Note on this release: | Fixes CORE [#] The "Remove all borders" button didn't work [#] Saving cells that spanned several columns didn't work (regression) Version 1.9 (2020/05/01) ========== | Note on this release: | Support for longer tables, Fixes CORE [+] The update to the engine core allows to edit even bigger tables now (still limited to 25MB, but now compression might be used) LATEX EXPORT [#] New bullets in unordered lists did not work when the 'shrink' option was activated Version 1.8.3 (2020/04/28) ========== | Note on this release: | Fixes CORE [#] Fixes issues where FONT tags were not removed even if they were duplicate LATEX EXPORT [#] `textcolor` commands were duplicated in cells with multiple lines of texts (#20) LATEX IMPORT [#] `longtabu` tables were not loaded even if they were technically supported Version 1.8.2 (2020/04/02) =========== | Note on this release: | Fixes CORE [+] New alert for 2.0 alpha 1 [/] Cursor changed in border mode LATEX EXPORT [#] Text color didn't appear when a color name was used in HTML instead of an hex code Version 1.8.1 (2020/03/22) =========== | Note on this release: | Fix for encoding of special characters in LaTeX LATEX EXPORT [#] In some cases, characters were not encoded (regression). Version 1.8 (2020/03/12) =========== | Note on this release: | Improved speed for large table, improved layout for large table CORE [+] Scrollbar for large tables [#] Improved speed for `getHTML()` and `hasBorderType()` functions LATEX EXPORT [#] Improved speed for `generateFromHTML()` Version 1.7 (2020/01/26) =========== | Note on this release : | Bug fixes CORE [+] Support for footnotes LATEX EXPORT [+] Support for footnotes (with \tablefootnote) HTML EXPORT [+] Support for footnotes LATEX IMPORT [+] Support for \footnote and \tablefootnote Version 1.6.6 (2019/12/13) =========== | Note on this release : | Bug fixes CORE [#] Major issue with the way HTML was generated from each cell when there was newlines and no text formatting (#16) Version 1.6.5 (2019/10/23) =========== | Note on this release : | Bug fixes, support for coloured diagonal line LATEX EXPORT [#] Bold, italized, underlined and coloured texts didn't work with multiple lines rows (#15) LATEX IMPORT [#] Comments were not parsed Version 1.6.4 (2019/03/09) =========== | Note on this release : | Bug fixes, support for coloured diagonal line LATEX EXPORT [+] Support for coloured diagonal line in cells [/] Changed the way placeholder texts in diagonal cells were handled [/] Changed the bottom placeholder text from `[TEXT UNDER]` to `[2]` [/] Changed the macro used for diagonal cell with diagbox from `\backslashbox` to `\diagbox` [#] Swapped the arguments of `\backslashbox` when diagbox package is disabled (#10) LATEX IMPORT [#] It was impossible to load a table with \cmidrule when an optional argument and a special argument (e.g. `\cmidrule[3ex](lr)`) were used (#8) Version 1.6.3 (2018/11/28) =========== | Note on this release : | Bug fixes LATEX IMPORT [+] Support for `wraptable` environment [+] Support for `label` command [#] Removed useless rows when several line separators commands are used instead of one LATEX EXPORT [#] Character "[" could produce fatal error on compilation Version 1.6.2 (2018/10/21) =========== | Note on this release : | Bug fixes CORE [#] All vertical border drawn were solid, instead of using the specified style LATEX EXPORT [#] Vertical dashed and dotted borders no longer have a white background when the cell has a background [#] Fixed issue where successive `\tabucline` could cause white gaps [#] Fixed issue where borders could have the wrong color [#] Fixed issue where color could leak inside double borders in some cases [#] Fixed issue where there could be white gap with trimmed border and cell with background LATEX IMPORT [#] The content of `\cellcolor` was imported as text (regression) Version 1.6.1 (2018/08/15) =========== | Note on this release : | Fixed fatal issue CORE [#] Fixed fatal issue that prevented the generator from working Version 1.6 (2018/08/14) =========== | Note on this release : | Support for touchscreen and smallscreen, better support for LaTeX import CORE [+] New version of xcolor.js [+] The editor is now responsive to screensize [+] Adjusted layout for small screens (width<700px) [+] New bottom bar with CTRL/SHIFT emulator and "send to email" button for touchscreen [/] Moved the donation text next to the menu to leave more space for small screen users [#] Fixed issue where it was impossible to select cells on touchscreen browsers BORDER EDITOR [#] Fixed issue where two borders could be drawn instead of one for cells that spanned multiple rows LATEX IMPORT [+] Support for \declarecolor, \providecolor and \colorlet [+] Support for command `\ctable` and its commands \FL, \NN, \ML and \LL [+] Support for environments `tabularht`, `tabularht*`, `tabularhtx` and `tabularkv` [+] `\interrowspace` is now ignored Version 1.5 (2018/08/04) =========== | Note on this release : | Major update to the way borders are displayed for a | more intuitive experience and better internationalization CORE [+] Cells are now collapsed together [+] When you draw a border, you now see in red which borders will be affected [+] You can remove multiple rows and columns at once [#] The `Import JSON table` button didn't work [#] Pasted tables now have newlines for each row [#] Paste now works with Undo BORDER EDITOR [+] Rewritten functions to work with the collapsed cells [+] You can now draw borders with a touchscreen or a stylus [#] The function that draw borders was speed up 8x [#] The `Undo` function now works as it should when drawing borders LATEX EXPORT [+] Tables in a minipage now uses `\noindent` to remove the indentation [/] Changed all references to `\columnwidth` for a more general `\linewidth` [/] Partial horizontal borders now no longer uses hhline if they are coloured unless a cell under a border is coloured [#] First word now can be hyphenated when using the `shrink` option [-] Hhline no longer try to change the value of \arrayrulewidth (it was useless) LATEX IMPORT [+] Better support for international languages [+] Support for \glqq, \grqq, \euro, \NJ and \nj [+] Support for \dq, \flq, \frq, \frqq, \flqq, \glq, \grq (German) [+] Support for most cyrillic and german shorthands with `"` [+] Support for \TH, \th, \DH, \dh (Icelandic) [+] Support for \q and \w (Czech) [+] Support for \aa and \AA (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish...) [+] Support for \boi (French) [+] Support for \cyrdash (Cyrillic) [+] Support for \textthreequartersemdash and \textemdash PLAIN TEX EXPORT [#] The parser no longer crashes when there's a cell that spans multiple rows Version 1.4 (2018/07/20) =========== | Note on this release : | Trimmed borders (booktabs), Textile export and bug fixes BORDER EDITOR MODULE [+] New "trimmed" borders with `\cmidrule(lr)` [#] Color is updated if the border color change (before, the border was removed) LATEX EXPORT [#] The `color` package would be forgotten if the only color in the table was in a vertical rule TEXTILE EXPORT [+] New Textile export module PLAIN TEX EXPORT [#] Vertical rules could appeared where they were not supposed to be if the cell spanned multiple columns Version 1.3 (2018/06/10) =========== | Note on this release : | ConTeXt export CORE [+] New options for ConTeXt [+] New "Output" menu [+] New "siunitx" package option (disabled) [#] It's not possible anymore to convert to MWE a table that was already converted to MWE [#] Wrong CSS for cells with two diagonals LATEX IMPORT [+] Support for longtabu, longtabu to <dim>, longtabu spread <dim> [+] Support for longtabu*, longtabu* to <dim>, longtabu* spread <dim> CONTEXT EXPORT [+] New ConTeXt export module Version 1.2 (2018/05/29) =========== | Note on this release : | Support for color (background and text) in import, bug fixes CORE [+] Import textarea now uses a monospace font and doesn't wrap LATEX IMPORT [+] Support for `xcolor` package syntax with xcolor.js [+] Support for commands \cellcolor and \rowcolor [+] Support for command \rowcolors (and its bugs) from `xcolor` [+] Support for command \columncolor [+] Support for commands \raggedleft, \RaggedLeft, \centering, \Centering, \raggedright, \RaggedRight [+] Support for minified `w` and `W` column types (e.g. `wc{2cm}`) [+] New function to parse preambule components [+] Support for `D` and `F` column types and their minified versions [+] Basic support for `\char`, a TeX primitive that could cause fatal errors in the parser [+] Support for optional argument of \cmidrule [#] Support for minified `*` column type (e.g. `*3c` or `*{3}c`) [#] "Forgotten" cells are now added, following LaTeX rules [#] Group characters (i.e. { and }) are no longer printed [#] Better support for starred commands (e.g. `\hspace*{2cm}`) [#] Fixed a typo that prevented to load some tables with multiple cells that span columns (#6) LATEX EXPORT [+] New function to beautify/align the output. It is now more robust to cells that span columns [#] Fixed issue where partial cells could result in multiple commands instead of one because of cells spanning columns [#] Useless \arrayrulecolor could appeared sometimes in complete rules [#] Fixed issue where newlines were added in the output or empty cells could result in cells with newlines (#1) HTML EXPORT [/] Changed part of the code to make it compatible with code change due to the fix to #1 WML EXPORT [/] Changed part of the code to make it compatible with code change due to the fix to #1 Version 1.1.3 (2018/05/14) =========== | Note on this release : | Bug fixes LATEX IMPORT [#] Fixed issue where cells with \multirow and a negative argument would disappears (#5) EPLAIN EXPORT [#] Characters "\" and "~" were not well encoded [#] Characters ">" would disappears in the output Version 1.1.2 (2018/05/10) =========== | Note on this release : | Bug fixes and WML export CORE [#] Selection with CTRL or SHIFT didn't work PLAIN TEX EXPORT [#] ">" characters disappeared WML EXPORT [+] New WML export module Version 1.1.1 (2018/05/09) =========== | Note on this release : | Improved selection and better tool to import spreadsheets CORE [+] Now possible to drag/drop file to load data [#] Selection of cells now follows TAB and SHIFT+TAB [#] Better management of errors with loading data from files LATEX EXPORT [#] Empty formulas are no longer printed PLAIN TEX EXPORT [#] Empty formulas are no longer printed [#] "~" character is now replaced by "{\char`\~}" [#] "\" character is now replaced by "{\char`\\}" Version 1.1 (2018/05/06) =========== | Note on this release : | Load data from spreadsheet, improved access to functionnalities, bug fixes CORE [+] Load data from multiple spreadsheet formats with SheetJS [+] New dropdown for menus, for easier access to functionnalities that were hidden before [+] New function to remove content from cells, but keep formatting [/] Selection is faster, and now uses 'onmousedown' event [#] Fixed fatal crash with Microsoft Edge [#] Improved the editing inside formulas with zero-width spaces [#] MWE now add UTF-8 for LaTeX if needed PASTE IMPORT [#] Imported tables didn't work with alternate rows background colors [#] Scrollbars make it possible to load huge tables CSV EXPORT [+] Option to define the separator between a comma and a semicolon HTML EXPORT [#] Zero-width spaces are now removed from the output LATEX EXPORT [+] Option to choose the way that double borders should intersect (default, combined or merged) [/] Similar color names now uses numbers instead of letters (e.g. Rose and Rose1 instead of Rose and RoseA) [#] The padding of the lists missed the left margin (i.e 0.5\tabcolsep or 3pt) [#] The list now uses \labelitemi instead of \textbullet so it can works even if the user changes the default bullet (or if it uses the 'frenchb' option of babel) [#] The color of horizontal rules could be wrong if the first border was dotted or dashed with 'arydshln' [#] Fixed issue with background color in unordered lists with 'tabu' [#] Fixed an issue where the package 'colortbl' could not be listed when used with 'tabu' [#] The character ">" disappeared [#] "<" is now replaced by \textless{} and ">" by \textgreater{} [#] Zero-width spaces are now removed from the output Version 1.0.2 (2018/04/17) =========== | Note on this release : | Fix an issue with encoding and CSV export CSV EXPORT [#] Fixed encoding issue with <, >, & and " characters Version 1.0.1 (2018/03/26) =========== | Note on this release : | Fix an issue with colorpicker and export to PreTeXt CORE [#] The system colorpicker didn't use the actual color PRETEXT EXPORT [/] Changed default indentation to two spaces [#] Fix an issue where special characters in equations were converted to XML [#] Replace <,>,& with \lt, \gt, \amp in equations Version 1.0 (2018/03/01) =========== | First stable release. | Note on this release : this release introduces a color picker, | import from Markdown, export to PreTeXt, microtuning, decimal | format for 'siunitx', multiple bug fixes and more CORE [+] Moved Core to Table.js 0.2 STABLE [+] The toolbar now scrolls down with the user [+] [+] Convert the code to a MWE [/] Changed the way background cell were handled [#] Fixed an issue where cells could go over the right panel [#] Fixed an issue where the toolbar could go over modals [#] Fixed an issue where alternate row colors could go on other tables [#] Cells without background showed a black background on the info panel [#] New version of Table.js fixes issues with adding columns and rows LATEX EXPORT [+] Added a microtuning option which fix alignment issues with borders [+] Support for decimal format with 'siunitx' (i.e. S[table-format=3.2]) [/] Multirow cells no longer use 'makecell' unless it is rotated [#] Fixed an issue where background color could leak inside double borders [#] Color of the vertical dashed/dotted left border of the first column could be ignored if it was a named color [#] Fixed an issue where the background color was not applied for multiline cells and cells with bullets points [#] Fixed useless code when vertical rules from Booktabs (lol) were used [#] Caption did not work with longtable IMPORT MODULE [+] Import from Markdown PASTE IMPORT MODULE [+] Alignment of cells supported, including with legacy "align" attribute [#] The module produded alerts LATEX IMPORT [+] Support for \endfirsthead and \endhead from 'longtable' [+] Support for primitive \crcr [+] Minimal support for \endfoot and \endlastfoot from 'longtable' HTML EXPORT [#] Fixed a small issue with spaces and equations PRETEXT EXPORT [+] New PreTeXt export module Version 0.9.1 BETA (2018/01/18) =========== | Note on this release : | This release introduces alignment with decimal | and alternate rows background color CORE [+] Alignment with decimal [+] Alternate rows background color [+] Tooltip for text alignment [/] Changed the way the background color is retrieved LATEX EXPORT [+] The generator now produces \rowcolor to simplify the code in some cases [#] Enhanced hhline didn't work well with multicolumn cells [#] A small line of color could be produced with enhanced hhline and multirow cells [#] Small squares of color in borders could appeared with enhanced hhline and multirow cells [#] Disabling 'makecell' produced code with errors Version BETA (2018/01/05) =========== | Note on this release : | Multiple bug fixes CORE [+] Better accessibility [/] Pin/Unpin button now uses the same tooltip as the other buttons [#] Buttons jumped on hover [#] Issue with copy/paste in some cases (e.g. bold text) [#] Generated code textarea didn't wrap in Edge LATEX EXPORT [/] Remove useless \arraybackslash that appeared with 'shrink column' mode and 'ragged2e' package disabled Version 0.9 BETA (2018/01/05) =========== | Note on this release : | This release introduces support for longtable, | rotated tables and an option to merge double borders | together. CORE [+] Table.js upgraded to 0.2 [+] New button the show/hide the right panel [+] Now possible to disable "hhline" package [/] Changed diagonal icons [#] Fix issue where splitted cells couldn't be selected HTML EXPORT [#] Fixed left/right margins (we used 'cm' instead of 'pt') LATEX IMPORT [+] Support for \hhline [+] Text support for \textcolor [+] Support for \Xhline and \Xcline from 'makecell' package [#] \cellcolor and \rowcolor are ignored for now LATEX EXPORT [+] Support for tables that span multiple pages [+] Support for rotated tables [+] Enhanced hhline now works for every row [#] Fixed issue with multiline cells and 'shrink' option Version 0.8.2 BETA (2017/12/07) =========== LATEX EXPORT [#] Fixed issue where every table was a 'tabu' table Version 0.8.1 BETA (2017/12/06) =========== CORE [+] Added LaTeX option to force 'tabu' package when possible [-] Removed legacy code PASTE IMPORT [+] Support for background color of cells LATEX EXPORT [+] Added support for colored rules with 'tabu' [+] Support for default color names in all cases (red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black, white) [#] Fixed fatal issue with 'tabu' [#] Fixed issue with double vertical borders with color [#] Fixed issue with useless \hhline commands [#] Fixed issue where 'arydshln' package was used even when blacklisted Version 0.8 BETA =========== | Note on this release : | This release introduces underlined text, colored text, | background color for cells, enhanced double borders | and possibility to remove "table" environment. CORE [+] Underline text [+] Color of text [+] Background color of cells [+] New button next to the list of border type to toggle "Draw borders" mode [+] New button in the "Borders" tab to toggle "Draw borders" mode [+] New "color" (disabled) and "ulem" package options [#] Issue with line wrapping in Firefox [#] Support pasting of elements styled with multiple CSS styles [#] Rotated cells are not longer cutted [#] Issue with undo in Firefox LATEX EXPORT [+] New option to enhance double borders with hhline [+] New option to remove the "table" float environment [#] All cells that spanned multiple rows had \multicolumn [#] Some packages were counted twice LATEX IMPORT [+] Support for \uline and \underline [+] Support for \par Version 0.7 BETA (2017/11/12) =========== | Note on this release : | This release introduces unordered list, BBCode and Eplain as export formats, and fixes issues with the "Shrink column" algorithm CORE [+] Unordered list [/] Changed the way the format list was formatted BBCODE EXPORT MODULE [+] New BBCode export module EPLAIN EXPORT MODULE [+] New Eplain export module TEX EXPORT MODULE [+] Support for partial horizontal borders [/] The TeX export module now uses its own functions to generate the TeX code inside each cell [#] Issue with "less than" (<), "greater than" (>) and "pipe" (|) characters HTML EXPORT MODULE [+] Support for indentation for unordered list [+] Option to add a <TBODY> [+] Option to remove optional closing tags (p, li, tbody, tr, th, td...) LATEX EXPORT MODULE [+] Paragraph symbol (Pilcrow) is now converted to \P{} [/] Default page size is now "390pt" and not "8.5in" like before with 'shrink column' option (doesn't change much) [#] "Less than" character (<) was not printed [#] "Pipe" character (|) resulted in an error. Changed to \textbar. [#] Fixed issue where you had to reload if you stopped using the "shrink" option [#] Fixed rare issue where you could have "array" package when you don't need it with 'shrink column' option [#] Fixed multicolumn width with 'shrink column' option [#] Fixed multirow width with 'shrink column' option [#] Fixed makecell width with 'shrink column' option [#] Fixed text alignment in cells that spans multiple rows [-] Removed \RaggedRight and \raggedright\arraybackslash with 'shrink column' option because the result was not justified Version 0.6.1 BETA (2017/11/03) =========== | Note on this release : | This release fixes an issue with borders introduced in the last version and move export settings to a modal dialog CORE [/] Advanced export settings moved to a modal dialog for improved clarity LATEX EXPORT MODULE [#] Issue with borders when there's a cell that spans multiple rows LATEX IMPORT MODULE [#] The asterisk in '\\*' was interpreted as text MARKDOWN MODULE [+] The generated code is now beautified HTML MODULE [+] Cells with a diagonal lines are now supported [+] Option for two spaces and four spaces for indentation [#] "Colspan" attribute was wrong [#] Indentation had major issues Version 0.6 BETA (2017/10/23) =========== | Note on this release : | This release bring coloured rules and fix multiples issues with core functionalities | This release bring the generator closer to a stable version CORE [+] New package option for "colortbl" [+] Informations about LaTeX packages are now shown [#] Support for pasting data [#] Bold and italic elements that follows each other are now merged [#] \usepackage[]{} commands are no longer commented when you download the .tex file [#] Fix bug with bold and italic buttons when there were multiple cells selected [#] Fatal issue when trying to download a .tex file with UTF-8 characters BORDER EDITOR MODULE [+] Support for coloured rules with 'colortbl' package. [#] The line for drawing borders no longer shows when you click/select in the textbox, on an input, a button or a dropdown menu. PASTE IMPORT MODULE [+] Support for coloured rules LATEX IMPORT MODULE [+] Support for \tabularnewline command [+] Support for \vdashline from 'hvdashln' package [/] Support for more complex construction with \noalign, like "\noalign{\color{red}\hline}" (the color won't be imported, tho, but the rule yes) [#] Fix a bug introduced in the last version that prevented the importation of cells spanning multiple columns TEX EXPORT MODULE [/] It now uses the new horizontal borders generator functions LATEX EXPORT MODULE [+] Now possible to disable "ragged2e" package [+] More flexible functions for horizontal borders [/] Caption without numbers now use "\captionsetup" from "caption" package [/] Tabu dashed/dotted line no longer has "\arrayrulewidth" included, because it was the default value [/] Left-aligned and right-aligned cells don't longer use "\\arraybackslash" with "shrink ratio" option and "ragged2e" package [#] "usepackage" when Arydshln and booktab were used together didn't produce the good result [#] Horizontal borders were not aligned when there was a double horizontal border and a horizontal border from booktab on the same line [#] Fixed issue with cells spanning multiple columns with the "shrink column" option [#] Table with label but without caption didn't work [#] Forgot to load "caption" package for caption without numbers [#] Label from tables with caption without numbers didn't show up [#] There was still arydshln code within \multicolumn when the package was disabled Version 0.5.2 BETA (2017/10/10) =========== | Note on this release : | This release fixes a bug CORE [#] Fix an issue with the "Add all borders" button Version 0.5.1 BETA (2017/10/08) =========== | Note on this release : | This release fixes many bugs with importing LaTeX tables CORE [+] Better handling of errors when loading a table LATEX IMPORT MODULE [+] Support dashed and dotted line with the "arydshln" package [+] Support for inverted question/interrogation mark with "?`", \textquestionmark, "!`" and \textexclamdown [+] Support for pound symbol (\pounds and \textsterling) [+] Support for alternative \^{} (\textasciicircum) [+] Support for English quotation with `` and '' [#] Problems with environments embed inside environments [#] Tables inside tables could caused issues [#] Better support for LaTeX commands without arguments [#] Support for \multirow when there's an optional "vpos" argument [#] Support for multiple horizontal borders on the same row [#] Paragraph symbol (\P) caused encoding issues [#] Part of the code prevented some commands starting with \text to be executed Version 0.5 BETA (2017/10/01) =========== CORE [+] "Pin" button near the toolbar to pin/unpin the toolbar at the top of the page [+] Rebranded "log" section, which is no longer a textarea [/] Table.js upgraded to 0.1.3 [/] "Border editor mode" information box is now hidden when you're not in the "border editor mode" anymore [/] Changed the text of the "border editor mode" information box [/] Smaller "log" section and larger textarea for the generated code [#] Speed improvments [#] New version of Table.js solves bugs with inserting rows and columns when there are cells spanning multiple columns or rows LATEX EXPORT MODULE [+] Now possible to scale the table to fit the page, or shrink the columns to fit the page, or both [+] New packages options for "ragged2e" and "graphicx" [#] Problems with right border for cells that spans multiple columns [#] Centered and right-aligned multiline cells didn't work [#] Beautified rows had a missing space when there was a bottom border [#] Removed the empty option argument for \begin{table} LATEX IMPORT MODULE [+] Better support for second argument of \multicolumn. Complex preambule and comments are now accepted. [#] Space before or after number for \multicolumn, \multirow, \multirowcell and \multirowthead are now tolerated TEX EXPORT MODULE [+] Rows are beautified (but not rows that are in fact horizontals borders) [+] New option to escape accented characters with TeX commands (activated by default) [+] New option to disable the rotation macro \rotatecell [#] Log messages adapted to fit the new style Version 0.4 BETA (2017/09/18) =========== CORE [+] Added basic support for Undo [+] Updated import modal with new "paste" and "import data" separated modal, for improved clarity [+] New favicon [+] New <META> description [#] Issue with "booktabs" attribute from JSON [#] Removing columns and rows could generate errors after [#] Support for two-diagonals for JSON import/export LATEX EXPORT MODULE [+] Now possible to disable "arydshln" package. The editor will generate a "tabu" environment instead if needed. LATEX IMPORT MODULE [+] Support for \multirowcell and \multirowthead from "makecell" package [+] Support for "table*" environment [+] Support for \P command (gives ) [#] Now support short forms of "multirow" and "multicolumn" (ex: \multirow3*{My Text}) [#] \cmidrule(){} are not ignored anymore [#] \taburulecolor is now ignored [#] \tabucline[]-, \tabucline{#-} and \tabucline{-#} are now supported [#] Fixed a bug where a space was inserted in some cells TEX EXPORT MODULE [+] Added support for centering table option [/] Removed the space after \kern, for consistancy CSV EXPORT MODULE [+] New CSV export module Version 0.3 BETA (2017/08/20) =========== CORE [+] HTML tags <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5> and <h6> are now converted to a bold font. [+] CSS styles for bold and italic texts are now supported (font-weight:bold, font-weight:bolder, font-weight:700+, font-style:italic and font-style:oblique). This way, you can copy/paste rich text from the Internet into the cells. [+] The textarea which contains the generated code now has a monospace font (default to Monaco, then Lucida Console, then Courier) [/] Change the way to access HTML to cells. Its now a reliable function. That fixes many bugs [/] Changed the position and icons of the counterintuitive "Delete rows" and "Delete columns" buttons. [/] Table.js updated to version 0.1.2 [#] Table.js v 0.1.2 solved a bug which prevented the generation of code for some tables with merged columns LATEX EXPORT MODULE [+] The code of tables is now beautified (columns are aligned). This can be desactived in the options. [#] In some cases, the character "\" in cells could cause LaTeX issues. Now, it is converted to "\textbackslash{}" instead of "\textbackslash " [#] Some newlines in Edge were ignored [#] Underscore character (_) is now converted to "\_" [#] Closing bracket character (}) is now converted to "\}" [#] "~" is now converted to "\textasciitilde{}" instead of "\textasciitilde" JSON EXPORT MODULE [+] It now exports the version of the editor LATEX IMPORT MODULE [+] Support for "sidewaystable" environment from "rotating" package [+] Support for "tabu*", "tabu* to <dim>" and "tabu* spread <dim>" environments [+] Support for "xtabular" and "mpxtabular" environments from "xtab" package [+] Support for "longtable" environment from "longtable" package [#] Captions and labels caused errors [#] "tabularx*" and "tabulary*" environment were ignored when inside a "table" environments [#] \hhline command is now ignored (support is coming) [#] \hline, \hline\hline and others are now interpreted as they should Version 0.2.1 BETA (2017/08/14) =========== CORE [#] Fixed an issue where a warning about Edge appeared on all browsers Version 0.2 BETA (2017/08/12) ========== CORE [+] Support for selection with the SHIFT key [+] Because of important issues with the LaTeX generated by Edge, a warning is now shown to Edge users [/] Set a 4px margin on top and bottom of the table [#] Strange issue with Microsoft Edge where empty div[contenteditable=true] have an implicit <br>. Support for Edge will be harder than I thought. Details : https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/802442/ie11-rtm-implicit-br-tags-in-innerhtml-on-empty-content-editable-elements [#] Changed "Dash line" to "Dashed line" [-] Removed legacy core matrix function still used by some export modules BORDER EDITOR MODULE [+] Easier-to-use border editor, with possibility to change multiple borders at once, similar to Microsoft Word [+] "table.borderStyle()" returns an object with information about the border the user selected [+] "table.isBorderSet()" returns if a specific border is set like the user selected [/] "table.setBorder()" don't work as before. Much of its arguments are now automated HTML EXPORT MODULE [#] Support for autoBooktabs PLAIN TEX EXPORT MODULE [/] Moved to the new matrix core function introduced in v0.1 (table.matrix()) MARKDOWN EXPORT MODULE [+] New option to enable/disable HTML in Markdown (used before for <br> tags) [/] Moved to the new matrix core function introduced in v0.1 (table.matrix()) IMPORT MODULE [+] New : import from CSV [/] Faster autodetection of formats for import in most case [#] "table.import()" changed name to "table.importData()" because it's a reserved keyword Version 0.1 BETA (2017/07/29) =========== CORE [+] New section in right panel : Table properties [+] New core function for table matrix that is easier to maintain and understand [+] New package option for 'hhline' (even if it's disabled) [/] New style for right panel [/] New style for rotated cell buttons [/] "Label" input moved to "Table properties" [#] The right 'format' subpage shows on load [#] Fixed issue with the 'LaTeX Complex Table Editor' title [-] Removed 'Margins' section for cells. This feature is hard to implement and won't be part of the first official release LATEX EXPORT MODULE [#] Better support for partial horizontal double borders with 'hhline' package [#] Partial horizontal double borders no longer cut vertical rules [#] Vertical rules for 'multirow' cells are now corrects This fix was made possible by the new core function for table matrix PLAIN TEX EXPORT MODULE [#] Partial horizontal double borders didn't work. Replaced by a normal border until I implement the solution. [#] Multiple bugs with the \rotatecell{} macro. Thanks to Pr. Petr Olsak LATEX IMPORT MODULE [+] Basic support of {tabu}, {tabu} to <dim> and {tabu} spread <dim> environments [+] New module function to parse preambules. [+] Support of *{}{} and *#{} in preambules [+] Support of an optional argument for X columns (in tabu environments) [+] Support of \firsthline and \lasthline from 'array.sty' package [+] Basic support of \tabucline from 'tabu'. Degrade to a basic line. No style is understood. [#] Support of comments in preambules [#] Better supports of @, >, < and ! functions in preambules [#] \hline were not understood (stupid mistake, I wrote 'hrule' instead of 'hline') [#] Optional argument for | from tabu is now understood HTML EXPORT MODULE [#] Left/right padding (3cm) is now included Preview 3 (2017/07/20) =========== [+] New module : import from LaTeX (tabular, tabular*, tabulary and tabularx) [+] Export to HTML (support for MathJAX) [+] Creating a new table now shows the number of rows/columns [/] "label" and "caption" is no longer mandatory for JSON [#] Minor undocumented bugs fixes Preview 2 (2017/07/09) =========== [+] Add equations in cells (with $...$ format) [+] Import tables from webpages, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office, OpenDocument and others... [#] FIXED : Import JSON with a cell with a diagonal [#] FIXED : Export JSON with a cell with a diagonal [#] FIXED : Cells with a diagonal auto-updates like other cells [#] FIXED : Width of cells with a diagonal [#] FIXED : \textasciitilde for tilde symbol instead of \~ [#] FIXED : Title box is okay for medium-sized screen, but not small screens